Activities and online resources
- Free audible books :
- Digimaps - access to Digimaps from home. This will enable children to look at maps of anywhere in the world which may help with the geography tasks that you have set them.
Username: N80NU Password: skucts6977
- Oddizzi is a geography resource that includes ideas for projects, research about countries, geographical processes and specific human / physical features. The username for the website below works for ALL children to access the website.
Username: nhpN8 Password: oddizzi -
Shape Up With Spurs session - great for Teachers, Parents and Children to take part whilst in school or at home.
#MondayMotivation #SpursAtHome
- Give any of the Super Movers activities online a try - Premier League Primary Stars - lots of ideas for helping your children get active, as well as fun videos, games and worksheets for Maths, English and Health and Wellbeing - Big Cat banded ebooks for KS1
1) Go to
2) Click on the Teacher portal
3) The username is
4) The password is Parents20!
5) Click Login
6) Click Collins Big Cat
7) Select your book band - PE Hub
- Free online books
- WeAgile - free online tutoring program for children in years 4&5 with a qualified tutor who is running 2 maths sessions a week, 30 mins each.
- BBC Bitesize
- NHP - Fun, simple science experiments
- NHP - 2.6 challenge
- NHP - Lockdown diary
- NHP - Mr Croall's Geography & History projects
- NHP - Mr McLoughlin's Design & Technology projects
- NHP - Mr McLoughlin's Science project
- NHP - Ms Mapleston's Art at home
- NHP - Ms Mapleston's Shadow Art
KS1 Oddizzi World Explorers Global knowledge
KS2 Oddizzi World Explorers Global Knowledge
Storybooks in dual languages:
- - audio recordings so children can listen in English, as well as follow words in their home language. Parents must sign up to get an email with an access code and free access until the end of August.
- - stories in a wide range of languages
-​ - simple stories and activities
KS2 French
Quel temps fait il aujourd’hui? (What’s the weather like today?)
Bonjour mes amis (Greetings and numbers)
Les Chiffres (Numbers song - 1-20)
Couleurs - Arc en ciel - by alain le lait- (Colours and lots more!!)
Au petit déjeuner – by Alain Le Lait (Breakfast)
Do you know what these French sentences and questions mean?
Il fait beau.__________________________
Il fait froid.__________________________
Salut, ça va? / Bonjour, comment allez-vous?________________________
Comment t’appelles-tu?_______________________________________
Quel âge as-tu?___________________________
J’ai neuf ans. __________________________________
Il a les yeux rouges.____________________________________________
Au petit déjeuner je mange des céréales.___________________________
You can also try out Duolingo and learn some new words and phrases and improve your pronunciation.