North Harringay Primary School

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North Harringay Primary School Ethos & Values Statement


North Harringay is a friendly school which embraces the diversity of our community. We provide a safe and nurturing environment which enables our children to become confident and ambitious learners.


Our School Code is Ready, Respectful, Safe


Ready to listen, to learn, and for their next stage of education

Respectful of each other and of everyone in our community

Safe from harm in school, in the community and online


Across the school, we ensure that learning is tailored to the needs of the children.  Our ambition is that every child is prepared for their next stage of education by providing a diverse and inclusive curriculum, linked to exciting experiences and visits which bring their learning to life and make it fun.


We focus on Brilliant Basics, with Magical Touches


The progress of our pupils is always our priority. We follow the National Curriculum and the Statutory Framework for the Early Years. We also ensure that our curriculum is designed to meet the specific needs of our pupils with a focus on:

Being a Londoner - We want our children to celebrate the diversity of our school community; to enjoy what London has to offer and to know where they belong in the world

Valuing our world - We want our children to be physically active; to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of nature and to be aware of how our actions can damage it


Connecting with others - We want our children to be able to speak with confidence so that they are able to defend their interests and the rights of others


Our School Council makes a valued contribution to the school. Our older pupils get a chance to debate important topical issues each week through VotesforSchools. Students vote and comment and we ensure that their voices are heard and have an impact.



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