COVID-19 Information
March 2021
NHP Email to parents 02.03.21 - Returning to School March 2021
September 2020
Risk Assessment September 2020 (updated 08.10.20)Returning to primary school : what parents need to know (HM Government)
NHP Email to parents 02.09.20 - School reopening and Covid info
NHP Email to parents 09.09.20 - Risk Assessment & Covid symptoms
NHP Email to parents 14.09.20 - Covid symptoms and testing info
Year group entrance and exit gates Sep. 2020
NHP Email to parents 17.09.20 - Return to school post COVID symptoms
Return to school post COVID symptoms FORM
Letter to parents from Dr Will Maimaris, Director of Public Health Haringey Sep. 2020
Letter from Public Health England 29.09.20
NHP Email to parents 14.10.20 - Keeping children safe
Everyone needs to play their part in protecting our school community from Covid-19 and hence keeping all classes and the school open. It is essential that you comply with the instructions below:
- If your child has a high temperature, a new cough or a loss/change in smell or taste then you must NOT bring them to school.
- You must also keep their brothers and sisters at home too.
- The child who has Covid symptoms should be tested as soon as possible as a negative test will allow the child to return to school when they feel well again, but also allow their brothers and sisters to return to school immediately
Department for Education (DfE) coronavirus (COVID-19) helpline
The Department for Education coronavirus (COVID-19) helpline is available to answer questions about coronavirus (COVID-19) relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline by calling:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm