North Harringay Primary School

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The Orchard

Orchard Breakfast and After School Club

Here at North Harringay Primary School, we run our own registered child care provision offering wrap-around child care from 8.00am until 6pm (Monday to Friday, term time only). 


Our Breakfast and After School Clubs are registered with Ofsted (Registration Number: 134681) and are extremely popular. 


Orchard Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club runs from 8am - 9am each morning and provides children with a healthy nutritionally balanced breakfast. Children are able to take part in games, activities, drawing, reading, outside play, construction and much more...


Breakfast club is just one important element of our child care provision.  The club enables parents/carers to drop off their children between 8.00am and 8.30am everyday.  The club is staffed by our own school staff so the children already know them well from working with them in school.  It operates on our school site which means a smooth transition from a great breakfast to the start of the school day.  


The emphasis of Breakfast Club is on providing a nurturing, friendly and happy start to the day with a balance between active, sporty exercise and more focused creative activities, indoor games and homework. Children are very much involved in planning and choosing their activities with the team staff. 


Orchard After School Club

Our on site after school club takes place every day (term time only) between 3.30pm to 6pm.  The club is staffed by our own school staff so the children already know them well from working with them in school.  Whilst at the club, children are provided with  a healthy snack and can enjoy a variety of indoor and outdoor activities.


Our Orchard Breakfast and After School Clubs are extremely popular. All children must be registered before attending. 


Breakfast Club fees from September 2024


£10 per child per session

Reception to Year 6

£6 per child per session

Ad-hoc bookings

£8 per child per session

After School Club fees from September 2024


£20 per child per session

Reception to Year 6 booking 1 – 2 days per week

£18 per child per session

Reception to Year 6 booking 3 – 5 days per week

£15 per child per session

Siblings rate - bookings of 2 or more days per week per child

£15 per child per session

Ad-hoc bookings

£21 per child per session


If you are interested in applying for a space for your child, please request an application form from All children must be registered before they can attend our clubs. Please note that completing an application form does not guarantee you a space and your child will not be allowed to attend until you have received a confirmation email.  Places are allocated on a termly basis, therefore, once you have indicated which days you require you will be contracted to for the rest of the term.


Important Information:

Termly bookings:

All Breakfast and After School Club bookings are allocated on a termly basis, once you have indicated which days you require you will be contracted to them for the rest of the term. This means that you will still be charged for any one-off cancellations to your original booking and non attendance.



All payments must be made monthly or half-termly in advance (including those paying via childcare vouchers).

Payments are to be made via:

  • The online payments system School Money
  • Childcare vouchers

Parents/carers are responsible for monitoring their child’s account and for ensuring that payments are submitted in advance. The school is not responsible for sending out messages reminding parents to pay.


Our Breakfast and After School Club places are limited and very popular. If payments are not made in advance and the child's account is in arrears you risk losing your child’s place.



All correspondence relating to the Orchard Breakfast Club and After School Clubs must be sent to

Please note -

  • this email inbox is only monitored on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • this email address should not be used for correspondences relating to extra-curricular clubs such as choir or football

The Orchard After School Club staff can be contacted on 07388 823 385 (Monday – Friday 3.30pm - 6.00pm)


Ad-hoc bookings (Subject to availability):

Ad-hoc bookings must be made via a telephone call to the school office on 0208 348 0948 on the morning of the required session. Ad Hoc sessions must also be paid in advance, or on the day of the session at the latest. Please note that Ad-Hoc bookings are subject to availability.


Cancellations and changes:

Any permanent cancellations or changes must be put forward at least one week in advance, via email to


After School Club - Late Collection Fee:

The Orchard After School Club is open from 3.30pm to 6pm. If you are running late you must contact the ASC staff on 07388 823 385.

Parents who are late collecting their child (between 6.00pm and 6.15pm) will be charged a late fee of £10. Parents will be charged an additional £10 for each half hour thereafter. Your child must be collected on time or they may lose their place.



The Orchard




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