North Harringay


Safeguarding and Child Protection at North Harringay

If a member of staff has child protection concerns the Head Teacher is informed.

If a child makes a disclosure about physical or sexual abuse the Head Teacher will make a referral to Social Services. She is legally obliged to do this.

The school works closely with parents and carers and will keep them informed. We encourage a supportive and open ethos in school that allows for children to feel that they have an adult to talk to if things are worrying them.

Please view our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy for more details 

NHP Basic Safeguarding Information 2023


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - Paula Olurin (Pastoral Care Lead)

Deputy DSL - Darren Lock (Headteacher)

Deputy DSL - Rhiannon Mapleston  (Assistant Headteacher)

Deputy DSL - Naz Fahri (SENCo/Teacher)

Safeguarding Governor - Helen Kuczerska


 Please click on the links below for further information:

North Harringay's Safeguarding Statement

Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2024)

Keeping Children Safe in Education - Part 1 (September 2024)

Working Together to Safeguard Children

Keeping Children Safe from Radicalisation

NHP Prevention Action Plan 2015-2017

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